- 四人套餐每單限購2份
- 六人、八人套餐每單限購1份
舉例:LADY M 旗艦店,最後下單/修改訂單期限:前1天 18:00。若想訂購 02/14 的蛋糕,須於 2/13 18:00 前於平台訂購完成,如果臨時要取消/異動訂單也需要於 2/13 18:00 前進線客服說明要取消/異動。逾時平台將不進行取消或修改。請務必於下預訂單前再次確認您的預定需求,若超過平台最後下單/修改訂單期限,恕不進行取消或修改。
▍如訂單無成功訂餐 將全額退費。
■ 前菜拼盤:脆皮豬五花佐蝦醬羅望子蘸醬、炸春捲、香蘭葉包雞
Appetizer platter : Crispy pork belly, Spring rolls, Fried marinated chicken wrapped in pandan leaf
■ 青木瓜櫻花蝦沙拉(冷)
Papaya salad with sakura shrimp(cold)
■ 酸辣香料拌松阪豬
Pork jowl salad
■ 綠咖哩燉雞肉
Chicken green curry
■ 古法炸鱸魚 OR 清蒸檸檬鱸魚
Fried seabass in chili paste and tamarind OR Steamed seabass in lime dressing
■ 蝦醬空心菜
Shrimp paste morning glory
■ 東蔭海鮮湯 OR 椰漿雞湯(擇1)
Seafood Tom yum OR Coconut Soup with chicken
■ 手工花生湯圓甜湯
Handmade peanut tangyuan with coconut milk(x8)
■ 泰國香米
Steam rice
■ 前菜拼盤:脆皮豬五花佐蝦醬羅望子蘸醬、炸雞翅、炸春捲
Appetizer platter : Crispy pork belly,Fried chicken wings,Spring rolls
■ 青木瓜櫻花蝦沙拉
Papaya salad with sakura shrimp
■ 酸辣香料拌松阪豬
Pork jowl salad
■ 涼拌茄子
Marinated eggplant
■ 泰式打拋豬肉
Kapao pork
■ 綠咖哩燉雞肉
Chicken green curry
■ 古法炸鱸魚 OR 清蒸檸檬鱸魚
Fried seabass in chili paste and tamarind OR Steamed seabass in lime dressing
■ 蝦醬空心菜
Shrimp paste morning glory
■ 東蔭海鮮湯 OR 椰漿雞湯(擇1)
Seafood Tom yum OR Coconut Soup with chicken
■ 手工花生湯圓甜湯
Handmade peanut tangyuan with coconut milk
■ 泰國香米
Steam rice
■ 前菜拼盤:脆皮豬五花佐蝦醬羅望子蘸醬、沙嗲烤豬肉串、炸雞翅、炸春捲
Appetizer platter : Crispy pork belly,Grilled pork satay ,Fried chicken wings,Spring rolls
■ 酸辣香料拌松阪豬
Pork jowl salad
■ 青木瓜櫻花蝦沙拉
Papaya salad with sakura shrimp
■ 涼拌茄子
Marinated eggplant
■ 泰式鮮蝦炒河粉
Pad thai
■ 泰式打拋豬肉
Kapao pork
■ 牛頰瑪莎曼咖哩
Beef cheek ""masaman curry
■ 古法炸鱸魚 OR 清蒸檸檬鱸魚
Fried seabass in chili paste and tamarind OR Steamed seabass in lime dressing
■ 蝦醬空心菜
Shrimp paste morning glory
■ 東蔭海鮮湯 OR 椰漿雞湯(擇1)
Seafood Tom yum OR Coconut Soup with chicken
■ 手工花生湯圓甜湯
Handmade peanut tangyuan with coconut milk
■ 泰國香米
Steam rice
■ 前菜拼盤:脆皮豬五花佐蝦醬羅望子蘸醬、炸春捲、香蘭葉包雞
Appetizer platter : Crispy pork belly, Spring rolls, Fried marinated chicken wrapped in pandan leaf
■ 青木瓜櫻花蝦沙拉(冷)
Papaya salad with sakura shrimp(cold)
■ 酸辣香料拌松阪豬
Pork jowl salad
■ 綠咖哩燉雞肉
Chicken green curry
■ 古法炸鱸魚 OR 清蒸檸檬鱸魚
Fried seabass in chili paste and tamarind OR Steamed seabass in lime dressing
■ 蝦醬空心菜
Shrimp paste morning glory
■ 東蔭海鮮湯 OR 椰漿雞湯(擇1)
Seafood Tom yum OR Coconut Soup with chicken
■ 手工花生湯圓甜湯
Handmade peanut tangyuan with coconut milk(x8)
■ 泰國香米
Steam rice
■ 前菜拼盤:脆皮豬五花佐蝦醬羅望子蘸醬、炸雞翅、炸春捲
Appetizer platter : Crispy pork belly,Fried chicken wings,Spring rolls
■ 青木瓜櫻花蝦沙拉
Papaya salad with sakura shrimp
■ 酸辣香料拌松阪豬
Pork jowl salad
■ 涼拌茄子
Marinated eggplant
■ 泰式打拋豬肉
Kapao pork
■ 綠咖哩燉雞肉
Chicken green curry
■ 古法炸鱸魚 OR 清蒸檸檬鱸魚
Fried seabass in chili paste and tamarind OR Steamed seabass in lime dressing
■ 蝦醬空心菜
Shrimp paste morning glory
■ 東蔭海鮮湯 OR 椰漿雞湯(擇1)
Seafood Tom yum OR Coconut Soup with chicken
■ 手工花生湯圓甜湯
Handmade peanut tangyuan with coconut milk
■ 泰國香米
Steam rice
■ 前菜拼盤:脆皮豬五花佐蝦醬羅望子蘸醬、沙嗲烤豬肉串、炸雞翅、炸春捲
Appetizer platter : Crispy pork belly,Grilled pork satay ,Fried chicken wings,Spring rolls
■ 酸辣香料拌松阪豬
Pork jowl salad
■ 青木瓜櫻花蝦沙拉
Papaya salad with sakura shrimp
■ 涼拌茄子
Marinated eggplant
■ 泰式鮮蝦炒河粉
Pad thai
■ 泰式打拋豬肉
Kapao pork
■ 牛頰瑪莎曼咖哩
Beef cheek ""masaman curry
■ 古法炸鱸魚 OR 清蒸檸檬鱸魚
Fried seabass in chili paste and tamarind OR Steamed seabass in lime dressing
■ 蝦醬空心菜
Shrimp paste morning glory
■ 東蔭海鮮湯 OR 椰漿雞湯(擇1)
Seafood Tom yum OR Coconut Soup with chicken
■ 手工花生湯圓甜湯
Handmade peanut tangyuan with coconut milk
■ 泰國香米
Steam rice
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